2010/08/11 News letter
內容是關於WWR世界中Rothchild為什麼要開發H BRAMBLE
Large Martin was a major success for Rothchild, its ability to bring down sustained, very accurate death was lauded. BUT the price of a Large Martin unit, made it not so attractive to some factions. Rothchild never wanting to let a potential market be wasted, devised an upgrade scheme for the Bramble MK2. With an arm, head and engine upgrade, the newly christened Bramble MK2.5 Heavy was able to wield the P.O.R.N.S.T.A.R RPG, the first AI driven weapon introduced to the theatre of war. This combination of budget upgrade and leary RPG made the MK2.5 a popular addition to all forces.
因為太多人想要JAE,所以JAE將會有單隻發售版,但是4 PACK發售數量將因此減少.
becuase I can I gonna make some JEA heavy available as singles, I have been hit with many requests, so the number of 4 packs have been reduced, so there can be JEA singles.. spread the word etc..
單隻版 每只280USD
雙隻組 每組520USD
組合一 gravedigger/bromwich(黑+粉), 組合二:bromwhich/demois(粉+藍), 組合三:gravedigger/deimos(黑+藍)
四隻組 每組1000USD (JAE只會出現在4 PACK)
JEA will only be in the 4 pack
there will be a 4pack deal, 2 pack deal and singles.
prices are
single 280
double 520 ( deimos/gravedigger, bromwhich/demois, gravedigger/deimos )
four 1000
shipping is killing us on these, the box is pushing the cost out..gah !
we have a set amount of these being made, so once they are gone, well they are.
We are going for sumin special with these, lots of work, pain in the ass, I think its will be worth it !