2010年3月12日 星期五

Easter Tomorrow Queen

復活節版Tomorow Queen~數量大約10隻,看來又會是F5地獄了,依照慣例應該會在復活節4/4日那天出現吧!會是兔子造型嗎?兔女郎?真是期待發售日到來~

From 3A discussion board(轉載自3A討論區)
About Easter Tomorrow Queen:
"CNYTQ is cool.. though I think I like easter TQ more..... !"

Couple of past quotes, as you probably forgot about her:
"every time there is a holiday or special day 3A will make a special fig, sometimes we shall sell it, ( if we can make enough, ergo, plan ahead ) sometime we shall gift.
CNYTQ was a spur of the moment thing, 30 or so, not enough to sell etc.
we have a easter TQ coming, thats gonna be a secret sale item at bambaland !"
"easter TQ is the bunny"

One more about Easter TQ:
"if we can, we wil drop 10, but thats a question mark..."

