2010年7月22日 星期四

WWR Heavy Bramble

一些關於Heavy Bramble的消息,8月10日在BAMNALAND上架,每組280USD.有三種顏色,3AA也許會有購買時間的優惠,目前不確定是否限量!未確定藍色是否為零售版!預計下周公佈圖片.
這次要一次買齊是滿恐怖的,三隻加起來兩萬起跳,還有三隻買回來佔的空間也很驚人(雖然是種甜蜜的負荷)!至於藍色版,還是官網賣就好了,因為比較便宜,至少對會員來說.但零售的話也許大家入手機會較高.先前遇到以前常去買12吋的店家老闆也在賣3A,才知道原來零售版的價差真的可以很大,老闆也說了現在玩具市場很亂,這到是滿常態的現象. 以現在的3A應該也比較不需零售商代為鋪貨. 而對我來說,我只想單純一點,上網點一下喜歡的,接下來等到貨就好!至少官網價格透明,省得比價,只是常常Ash來個F5會讓神經一下很緊繃~
"There is a blue one, though after weathering it might look kinda less blue !"
"not long til you see, Heavy is next up !"  
"actually the heavu bramble sold on bambaland are GRave Digger and Pink
august 10th 280usd LIMITED PRODUCTION
they are not guaranteed for 24 hours as the are already in production to speed things up regarding delivery, ill give 3AA a grace period though, but bot 24 hours as these are a special case. an experiment almost to see how we can improve delivery."
"blue will be retail, later on."
"or ill sell blue as 3AA special
blue is cool, grave is cool, pink is well super cool

