2010年6月9日 星期三

WWR MK 2.5 Bramble

呃...又是這種每次看到我都以為眼鏡沒擦乾淨的圖片,重點是1/6 BRAMBLE很快就現身了,頭大概會做點改變吧!Ash有特別提到頭很讚~這隻今年不會有WWRp的版本,就是要逼大家衝大傢伙吧!暫定兩色:暗色和亮色.
"he is rocking, pretty soon for this guy, handles the RPG fine. the arms are great, head is great too.. he is good fun."
"the gun look s like a spaceship from starblazers 
im hoping to see some spaceship mods on it"
"it dwarfs Large Martins cannon, kinda funny actually... not for LM though"

"best bramble yet, there will not be a WWRp one this year, if ever..." "re colorways, have some on the go, we shall see.. 2 will be good=a dark and light, a martian and Earth force etc"

